Johnson Town Meeting Information Hearing 2/27/21
Public information hearing to discuss the Australian ballot articles on the 2021 Town Meeting Warning.
The legal voters of the Town of Johnson are hereby warned and notified that due to the COVID-19
emergency there will be no public meeting or floor vote on Town Meeting Day at the Johnson Elementary School Gym on Tuesday, March 2, 2021, however, all business will be conducted by Australian ballot.
The legal voters of the Town of Johnson are hereby notified and warned to meet at Johnson Municipal Building at 293 Lower Main Street West in said Town on Tuesday, March 2, 2021, beginning at nine o’clock in the forenoon (9:00 A.M.), at which time the polls will open, and continuing until seven o’clock in the afternoon (7:00 P.M.), at which time the polls will close, to vote by Australian ballot on the following articles:…
All Selecboard meetings are currently held virtually via ZOOM video conferencing. The Johnson Selectboard meets the first and third Monday of the month at 7:00 pm at the Town Clerk’s office; these meetings are open to the public.
The Johnson Selectboard Meetings are broadcast weekly on Green Mountain Public Access Television, Comcast Channel 1074.
Meeting minutes and agendas:…
Johnson, Vermont
Produced by GMATV
Artist: Riot
Title: Pressure
#johnsonvt #johnsonsb #jsb #selectboard #vtpoli
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