Healthy Lamoille Valley, Community Planning Toolkit
Healthy Lamoille Valley is super excited to be rolling out a new coalition format that will make prevention more accessible! We will be hosting regular meetings on the first Tuesday of each month from 6:00 to 7:00 pm on Zoom. These meetings are open to youth, parents/caregivers, educators, business owners, law enforcement, and anyone who is interested in preventing and reducing youth substance misuse!
The next meeting is on December 1st from 6:00 – 7:00 pm.We will be exploring Healthy Lamoille Valley’s Community Planning Toolkit: Preventing Youth Substance Misuse and Building Protective Factors.Click here to view online, this version has been optimized for screens. Click here if you would like a printable copy.We will also gladly mail you a hard copy for later use. You can pick up a hard copy at any of the following participating libraries:
Varnum Library
Craftsbury Library
Greensboro Free Library
Jeudevine Library
Hyde Park Library
Johnson Public LIbrary
Morristown Centennial LIbrary
Waterville Library
Wolcott Library
We invite you to be involved!Come to the next coalition meeting to learn more or email if you’re interested in joining one of the workgroup opportunities listed below.Project Workgroups form as needed.Contact for more information.Staff supports the work, but you as coalition members drive the work and we want to support you! Please do feel free to forward this to those who may be interested!
Lamoille Area Youth Council & School Groups – an opportunity for youth to develop leadership skills and make a difference to prevent and reduce substance misuse among their peers!
Tobacco Prevention Taskforce – two workgroups focusing on preventing youth vaping and developing a logic model for local tobacco prevention initiatives.
Cannabis Workgroup – an emerging workgroup focusing on risk factors and identifying local initiatives.
Parent Workgroup – parents have a powerful voice and when we unite we can bring change to our schools, homes, and community!
Media Workgroup – underlying everything we do is outreach.This group helps to set standards, processes and create content.
Education and Events Workgroup – each event and outreach takes significant work.This workgroup looks at curriculums and helps to plan and host events!
Data, Assessment, and Evaluation Workgroup – prevention science tells us that quality, updated data should inform our work.Join this workgroup that helps to collect and analyze the data.
Sustainability Workgroup – this workgroup helps with fundraising, grant writing, product development and general sustainability for the coalition.